Top Tips for Using a Secure Web Gateway

Top Tips for Using a Secure Web Gateway

Here we will feature some of the top tips for using a secure web gateway. So, if you are up for this, then keep on scrolling below.

Top Tips for Using a Secure Web Gateway

Add a Proactive Approach to Blocking Attacks

When we talk about a secure web gateway or SWG, then the very first thing that comes to our mind is the “blocking attacks.” So, when you have an SWG on your website, then it is always suggested to add a proactive approach while blocking the attacks. According to this approach, blocking should not be reactive only. Instead, you should add a proactive approach to blocking the attacks.

As Our Website Traffic Increases, We Have to Upgrade Our Web Gateway

Web gateways are simple solutions that help us in securing our websites. But, they can’t provide real-time protection to our website. So, as our website traffic increases we have to upgrade our web gateway. This will help us to secure all the high-risk threats in the future as well.

We Can’t Use Few Tools Along With Web Gateway

The main advantage of using SWG is that it has got an open-source technology. So, if you are up for using some extra tools along with it then it is not possible for you. This is because web gateways don’t support any other third-party tool or software. Thus, it is always suggested to use these tools separately on your computer or laptop.

Integrate it With Web Application Firewall (WAF)

An SWG is a personal blacklisting service. It is a solution that blocks all the malicious traffic from entering your website. So, when you are using this, it is always suggested that you integrate it with a web application firewall (WAF). This will help you to block the unwanted traffic before it gets even close to your server.

Moreover, the best thing about utilizing SWG is that it will block all the malicious traffic from entering your website but still there are chances of some threats getting through and doing damage to your website. So, for such threats, we have WAF which can help us in preventing them as well. 

Top Reasons for Using a Secure Web Gateway

Why, then, should you consider using SWG? Firstly, we now live in a world that relies more heavily on the Internet than ever before, thus making it an integral part of our daily lives. In fact, many people have built their livelihoods solely on the Internet.

One of the biggest threats to our daily Internet use is malware. Malware comes in many different forms ranging from viruses and spyware to Trojan and worms. These malicious programs can destroy hard drives and steal passwords and other personal information. So, all of this can wreak havoc on our personal information, which is why it is so important to use a Web Gateway.


So, an SWG will protect you from hackers. Then, it will also monitor for malicious activity on your computer. Many people also use secure web gateways because they want to make sure that their children are safe online. How about you?

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