Five Common Misconceptions About ZTNA Providers

Five Common Misconceptions About ZTNA Providers

In this blog post, we’ll briefly touch on five common misconceptions about ZTNA providers. Even with the fact that these have been described as the new way to secure access to the cloud.

Before we delve into more details about the common misconceptions, let’s take a look at what we mean by Zero Trust Network Access Providers.

What Is a Zero Trust Network Access Provider?

A Zero Trust Network Access Provider (ZTNA provider) is an organization that delivers network access control services. The provider allows access to applications and network resources only when users are successfully authenticated, authorized, and accounted for.

A ZTNA provider is considered a modern way to secure access to the cloud. Many believe that ZTNA providers are the future of network security.

But what are the common misconceptions about Zero Trust Network Access Providers? Let’s take a look.

Five Common Misconceptions About ZTNA Providers

Misconception #1: ZTNA providers only deal with cloud-based applications.

In this misconception, people think that ZTNA providers only deal with cloud-based applications. ZTNA providers can provide access to any application. Moreover, they can provide access to traditional, cloud-based, and hybrid applications. 

Misconception #2: ZTNA providers are the same as cloud access security brokers (CASBs).

In this misconception, people think that ZTNA providers are the same as cloud access security brokers (CASBs). But in fact, ZTNA providers and CASBs are different.

CASBs provide network access control for cloud-based applications. In other words, CASBs act as the firewall between a cloud-based application and the cloud infrastructure. However, ZTNA providers implement access policies on the infrastructure side of their service. 

In addition, ZTNA providers allow organizations to enforce security policies on the application side of their service.

Misconception #3: ZTNA providers are not needed in a cloud environment.

In this misconception, people think that they don’t need a ZTNA provider if their organization is already using a cloud service. But in fact, ZTNA providers are needed even in a cloud environment.

Misconception #4: ZTNA providers are expensive.

In this misconception, people think that ZTNA providers are too expensive. But in fact, there is a wide range of the cost of ZTNA providers. Many providers offer free trials so that customers can test the service before deciding to purchase it.

Misconception #5: ZTNA providers would require users to manage their credentials.

In this misconception, people think that ZTNA providers would require users to manage their credentials. However, this is not true as most ZTNA providers offer a self-service portal for users.


In conclusion, organizations should consider the above misconceptions to choose a ZTNA provider that fits their requirements.

In addition, organizations should view ZTNA providers not only as a way to secure access to the cloud, But they must also view them as a way to provide network access to traditional applications. 

For example, organizations can use ZTNA providers to provide access to SaaS or on-premise applications. In addition, organizations can use ZTNA providers to protect access not only to SaaS and on-premise applications but also to physical devices such as printers and sensors.

Moreover, organizations can use ZTNA providers to protect access not only to devices but also to data and applications.

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